Below are answers and clarifications from the Gauteng Department of Education regarding 2017 Grade 1 and Grade 8 Online Application Process :
The Complete PDF document can be downloaded from here: Download GDE FAQs
ALso download the presentation that explains the whole process work-flow here : Online-Admissions-Step-by-step-guide-19-April-2017
Frequently asked questions | Possible solutions |
Application Period | |
1. Can I apply for more than one child? | Yes, you can apply for as many children as possible. Enter information for another child in Step 2 and apply for the same child in Step 3. |
2. How many times can I apply for my child/ren | You can apply to schools in line with the application options that are provided in Step 3 in the App. |
3. Can the parent register and apply at the same time? | Yes, the system allows for the parent to register and apply at the same time. |
4. Can information be edited after application form is submitted? | Yes, the information can be edited at any stage, however parents must note that this will affect the application in terms of date and time and placement on the Waiting List. |
5. What if a parent uses incorrect /fraudulent information to apply? | Incorrect /fraudulent information provided will lead to disqualification of the application. |
6. Will the system be able to detect if the ID or Passport number is valid? | The system will be able to validate South African ID numbers and identification for Foreign Nationals will be validated by Home Affairs. |
7. Will a non-South African be able to apply using the Passport number? | Yes, the parent must indicate if he/she is a non-South African in Step1 and 2. |
8. Will the Online Application allow me to apply at the school of my choice? | Yes, however parents first need to apply to a school closest to their home or work address. |
9. How will I know if the school that I applied at has received my application? | The system will automatically send an SMS confirming successful submission of the application at that school but this does not mean the learner is placed at the school. |
10. How will I receive a Waiting List number if applying online? | The system will forward an automated Waiting List number via SMS. |
11. Can I change the schools closest to my home or work address that was given by the system when applying? | Parents must choose a school in the list provided to qualify to be on Waiting List A. However an option “school of choice” may be used to access a full list of schools. |
12. Will the system give me an order of preference of schools to my home or work address? | Schools are arranged in order from closest to furthest from home or work address. |
13. What will happen if I still want to queue at a school to submit my application? | No manual applications forms will be issued by schools for Grade 1 and 8. |
14. Can schools issue out hard copies of application forms as a backup? | No manual application forms will be handed out to parents. |
15. Will the online application be open for all grades? | No, only Grade 1 and 8 applications will be submitted online.
16. Will in-between grades be required to apply on line? | In-between grades applications will be done manually at the school. |
17. Will the issue of addresses be considered when I apply for Technical Schools, Schools of Specialisation” and “Schools with Boarding Facilities” | For every application option, a list of schools will be provided to inform the applicant about the type of school and the curriculum package offered by the school. |
18. Will the system accommodate boarding schools? | Yes. The parent will be able to apply to a school with a boarding facility by choosing “Schools with Boarding Facility” option in Step 3 and the applicant must visit the school to apply for accommodation. |
19. How will the system accommodate applications according to language? | Language (LoLT) is not an admissions criteria. The school first admit then determine the language of teaching based on the admitted population of learners and the resources available.
20. Can I apply online for a child coming from an Independent school? | You can apply online to a Public school if the learner is in Grade 7. |
21. Can I apply to an English school if the learner’s medium of instruction was English at the primary school/ Independent school and does not qualify in terms of home and work address. |
Yes, the applicant must choose “previous school” as an option to apply and the system will provide a list of the the closest secondary schools to the primary school.
22. Will Grade R learners be required to apply online? | No. the system only caters for Grade 1 applications. Applications for Grade R learners are a responsibility of the SGB and the School |
System |
23. What happens if I forget my username and password? | Click the login tab to reset the username and password. |
24. Is my personal information secured? | Yes, data is hosted at SITA which is a government entity and information is for use by Education only. |
25. What if the school manipulates the information submitted by the parents? | The information cannot be changed by schools. Schools are only able to verify and edit document status as parents submit proof of documentation. |
26. If the school does not have any network, what is going to be done? | All schools are provided with the necessary infrastructure needed. |
27. Does the Department have Plan B for cases where the system experiences problems | An application form will be provided as Plan B. |
28. System brings up schools in other provinces | The system has Gauteng Province schools only. |
29. When I click ‘Submit Parent Details’ or “Submit Learner Details’, the system does not submit | User must ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. The incomplete mandatory fields will be indicated by the system. The spacing is not recognised by the system when entering telephone numbers. Correct format is: 0820001113 or 0113550000. |
30. Will the system allow the form to be submitted without all fields completed? | |
31. How will the system address combined schools? | Grade 1 will be the entry grade and parents can only apply for Grade 1. |
32. Can the system accommodate parents who cannot read? | Staff will be made available at Call centres, Operational Centres, Libraries and schools to assist parents with online applications. |
33. How will the system address schools not found on the electronic list? | All schools have been listed. New schools opening late will be included. Where schools are not found on the electronic list, parents must alert the Department. |
34. Will GDE issue admission user manuals to schools and parents? | A User Guide for Parents has been uploaded on the Admission Online Application System on the Landing Page under “Support” menu and on the GDE
website: www.education.gpg.gov.za |
35. Will the system be able to identify the admission age of a learner for admission to Grade1? | The system will not be able to detect children who are younger than the school going age as determined in the Legislation and will not allow the applicant to proceed. |
36. How long will it take to get a response on the progress of my application? | Applicants will be notified after the Waiting Lists are signed off by District Directors during the Placement Period as per the Admissions Management Plan. |
37. Does the Online Application guarantee placement of the child at a school? |
An Online Application does not a guarantee placement. Parents must submit documents to activate placement. Parents must also confirm offers of placement online or with the school to be guaranteed placement. |
38. What will happen if the schools that I have applied for is full? | The District will facilitate placement where there is available space. |
39. Can online applications of parents from other provinces who are applying in Gauteng be processed? | Yes, if the parent is using a home or work address closest to the School in Gauteng.
40. When will Parents receive notification of successful /unsuccessful applications? | Schools will send notification to parents from 24 July 2017. Parents may enquire from the relevant Districts or schools. |
41. Will I be able to delete my application on the system? | Yes. However this will affect the position of the application on the system i.t.o date and time. |
42. Will I be able to restore my deleted applications? | No. |
43. Parents who applied and are relocating to another area | Parents must inform the relevant school or/and the District and submit proof of relocation. |